East Cobb County Council (ECCC) of PTAs
2023-24 Honoring Our Heroes Contest



We're excited to kick off the 2023-24 Honoring Our Heroes Essay program in November. Honoring Our Heroes is a student writing contest designed for you to write about your real-life heroes and role models. 


A hero is defined as a person who is admired or idealized for their courage, outstanding achievements, distinguished abilities, and/or their noble qualities.


The person you write about should display one or more of the following characteristics: generosity, persistence, dedication, leadership, creativity, caring, bravery, imagination, service, gentleness, courage, or compassion.


We want you to recognize someone who has made an impact on your life such as a family member, doctor, public safety officer, soldier, or teacher.  A famous individual such as a professional athlete or movie star CAN be a personal hero if they have made an impact on your life through their dedication, perseverance, or other characteristics and NOT because of their fame.


Students who wish to enter must complete the Student Entry Form and turn in with their essay.


Student Entry Form


Entries are due in the Media Center

by 5pm on January TBD, 2024.


**1st place winners in each grade - along with the top student in the Special Artist category (regardless of grade level) - will receive a $25 gift card of their choice. 



Congratulations to our 2022-23 HTMS Honoring Our Heroes Winners


7th Grade

1st Place - Liam M. & Saada R.

2nd Place - Avery S.


6th Grade

1st Place - Brooks B.

2nd Place - Lorelei C.


Special Artists Category

1st Place - Brady J.
2nd Place - Will M.
3rd Place - Nicholas S. & Maggie T.




Please contact heroes@htmsptsa.org with any questions.

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Want to wish your student a "Happy Birthday" on the HTMS Sign? It’s easy and your child will love it! Just click on the balloons below.



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